William MacAskill – Doing Good Better


Doing Good Better looks at the way we go about helping some of what see as the most important causes. It asks if we’re looking at the best things and if we’re approaching them in the most effective way.

Some of the sections will be surprising for a lot of people, as he points out the benefits of sweatshops and how donating to disaster relief isn’t exactly the most effective use of funding. This is all delivered in a very clear and compelling fashion and will certainly change a lot of mindsets.

He shows how doctors can do more good staying at home and giving away some of their high salaries to charity rather than actually going out to areas to help. He expands on how it’s easier and cheaper to save lives in poor countries. He says that helping with deworming and stopping malaria is more effective rather than some things that would be seen to be bigger issues and would generate much more income.

This is fascinating book that will change a lot of people’s ideas about how they can make a difference a world. A lot of it will surprise people as there is generally an established view of what the most important issues are and the best way of tackling them. This book should go a little way toward changing things.

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